Our Humble Start

In May 2019, the “Abide” Sunday School class at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church in Katy, Texas asked me to write a couple of brief lessons on the parables of Christ. The class adored the resultant two parable lessons of “The Prodigal Son” and “The Good Samaritan” and quickly dubbed them “mini-Kenny’s.” The feedback was so positive that I offered those first two parable lessons to several small groups in two other denominations—Baptist and Bible Church. Again, the responses were off-the-charts positive. That was the humble start to “Jesus’ Most Popular Parables” and our “No-Prep Bible Study Series.” Each and every lesson in this budding series has been guinea pig tested on small groups from several denominations. The series now includes: Jesus’ Most Popular Parables (released — Feb 17) The Most Glorious Psalms Ever (release date — October), Happiness v. Purpose (release date — end of 2020). Translations into Spanish and Mandarin are done and also scheduled for release in 2020. We’ve priced these little booklets way below any other small group materials we know about. Only $7.65 for paperback and $2.99 for Kindle. We are very sure that you and your small Bible study group will be blessed by each and every distinctive lesson. Everyone has so far.