Mandarin Books Are Now Available!!!

Our own Chinese friends loved our first two books so much last year a couple of them offered to translate our books into Mandarin.

The projects are done and the books have arrived!

They look just as good as our English books available on Amazon, maybe even better!

I gave some books away to two different Chinese ladies on Tuesday. (They were piano student moms). When one of these Chinese ladies (who has extremely low English skills), saw the books, her eyes got really big and she insisted I give her both books, not just one. She then proceeded to read “Jesus’ Most Popular Parables” in her native Mandarin during her son’s whole piano lesson.

Honestly, giving someone good Bible materials is one of the most effective ways to proclaim Christ. (At least that is what I believe and teach.)

All our books tend to have at least one or two calls to faith–when a lesson easily lends itself to that. So a non-Christian can read our booklets and will not only be blessed by God’s word, but be challenged to accept Christ.

If you have a Mandarin-mostly friend, and want to give them a fabulous Mandarin bible study booklet, contact me at With a little effort and a few dollars, we can make it happen.

Perhaps your Mandarin friend will get saved.

The Chinese culture does value books a lot, and it is our guess that really and truly, there aren’t a whole lot of good Bible study materials available in Mandarin.